Email [email protected]
Mailing Address Unit 15765, PO Box 26965
Glasgow, G1 9BW
Phone +1 737-300-3038

Reporting Bad links

The link you followed ( directs is a tracking link that runs from the service located at We made the "Report This Link" feature available because we do not condone Spam, sites promoting hate speech or linking to any site tied to illegal activities.

When a link is reported, we investigate and if we find the link directs to a site with hate speech or illegal activity, the link is banned on our network with immediate effect. Optionally, if the person reporting the link choose to include their name and email below, they will be notified about the outcome of our investigation via email.

When a link is reported as Spam, the link is flagged when the evidence supports it. Any link with 5 flags is automatically banned from our network. Optionally, if the person reporting the link choose to include their name and email below, they will be notified about the outcome of our investigation via email.

To report this link, please complete the options below:

Name: (optional)
Email: (optional)
Please use the text area below to motivate your reason for reporting this link. In the case of Spam, you may also paste the email you received. If you are including an email you received we must have the entire message including the message headers. If you are unsure of how to find the message header, please Click Here , locate your email client and follow the instructions. (will open in a new window)

When motivating your reasons for reporting this link, please be as detailed as possible as we can not find in your favor without sufficient evidence.